User Survey

We really want to improve our how we serve the LeaseLobster user community. Your feedback is critical to shaping our future plans and the enhancements we make to LeaseLobster.

Was it easy to find LeaseLobster?

What made Lease Lobster difficult to find?

Was it easy to download LeaseLobster?

What made it difficult to download LeaseLobster?

Was it easy to install LeaseLobster?

What made it difficult to install LeaseLobster?

Did you have any problems using LeaseLobster?

What problems did you have using LeaseLobster?

Overall, how would you rate LeaseLobster?


How does the LeaseLobster icon compare to other app icons you have seen?

What made the LeaseLobster better or worse that other app icons?

Can you name other apps that have better icons?

Can you name other apps that have worse icons?

Did you use the LeaseLobster Help feature?

What LeaseLobster features were you seeking help on and were your questions answered?

How many properties did you enter?

Was it easy to change the property that you were grading or budgeting?

Do you have any suggestions for improving how to change properties?

Was it easy to understand how to use LeaseLobstwer?

Do you have any suggestions for making LeaseLobster easier to use?

What made LeaseLobster difficult to use?

Did we miss any criteria that should be used to pick the best place for you to live?

What criteria should we add to help decide where to live?

Did we miss any budget items that should be included?

What budget items should we add to LeaseLobster?

Is the property grading system in LeaseLobster a good approach to comparing property characteristics?

Do you have any suggestions for a better method for comparing property characteristics?

Was it easy to select grades for properties?

What made it difficult to select grades in LeaseLobster?

Did you change the LeaseLobster language?


Did you change the LeaseLobster font size?


Did you change the LeaseLobster color scheme?


Did you change the LeaseLobster font?


Did you use the LeaseLobster Contact feature?

Why did you use the LeaseLobster contact feature and were you satisfied with the response?

Did you request a LeaseLobster property comparison report?

Were you satisified with the LeaseLobster property comparison report?

What is the most important feature of LeaseLobster?

What is the least important feature of LeaseLobster?

What is the most important feature we could add to LeaseLobster?
What other enhancements should we make to LeaseLobster?
Did you encounter any bugs while using LeaseLobster?

What bugs did you find in LeaseLobster?

Will you use LeaseLobster to help you select your next place to live?

If you will not use LeaseLobster, please tell us why?

Will you recommend LeaseLobster to others?

If not, please tell us why?

Do you believe that LeaseLobster deserves a Google +1?

If not, please tell us why?

Would you, or do you believe that other LeaseLobster users will Tweet about LeaseLobster?

If not, please tell us why?

Do you believe users will Like LeaseLobster on Facebook?

If not, please tell us why?

Do you have any feedback on our LeaseLobster survey?

Do you have any other feedback for us?